The Ramone Bass Fail

After finishing the audio/visual bass tracks and trying to sync them up to the drum parts, I have realized that they aren’t fitting together
I know what the problem is and how to fix it but that means I am going to have to redo all the bass parts again
I could “fix it in post” but it would take as much time if not more than just starting over
My original plan for bass parts was to shoot videos first but not to record the audio
I would go back and overdub the bass parts because I didn’t want the added pressure of getting the recordings right whilst on camera
There were lots of clunker notes and I just thought this would make things faster and less stressful
The cardinal mistake was that I used my laptop to record the audio for the drums but used my Boss digital 8 track for the bass audio

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The Ramone- Ableton = Advancement

Thanks to my great friend Meatpie, I now have Ableton Live
For those of you who do not know that that is, just know that it is software that is going to enable me to put on a more professional performance because I can send my tracks individually instead of mixed together
My current video setup has all drums on one mono channel with bass guitar and backing vocals on another
Instead of handing the sound engineer the batter already mixed, you can hand them the individual ingredients
The sound person can now alter the recipe to fit their own room

At this moment, I have 50 drum parts and 45 bass parts ready to automate
The next step is keying out green screen and syncing the drums and bass videos together
I am not really happy with the quality and even-ness of lighting and I anticipate a lot o...

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Last Minute The Ramone Gig

I got offered a last minute gig at the Foundry this weekend
Hope you can make it out early
It’s at 12:30 in the afternoon!

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The Ramone FREE SHOW @ Wit’s End 9/1/17

Click here to go to the event page

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The Ramone Saturday 8/27/17 at O’ Riley’s

Click to view event page

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The Ramone bass Video session July-2017

Click Below to see the photo album

The Ramone Bass Video Tracks 7/17

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A The Ramone Gig Recap- 3 Links 6-10-17

I have worked at the various mechanics of this performance for quite a while, so I didn’t have a lot of anxiety over execution
This seemed like a good opportunity for me to start working at separating the The Ramone live performance form Live karaoke
I want the stage performance to become a review of the cultural impact of The Ramones
The word “Review” having two different connotations

The traditional definition for review is “A type of multi-act popular theatrical entertainment that combines music, dance, and sketches. The revue has its roots in 19th century popular entertainment and melodrama but grew into a substantial cultural presence of its own during its golden years from 1916 to 1932.”

In my case, “music” is Ramones and the “sketches” are the snippets of video that I use in the tra...

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The Next Step in the The Ramone Evolution

My next show will be in a few days at 3 Links in Deep Ellum (I go on first!) and I plan to present a new stage show
Up until this point, I have pretty much played it straight and crammed as many songs as I could into my set
That worked when I was always going to play a quick set but I am planning for slots that are going to be 45 minutes to 3 hours so I need to learn how to inject some variety into the show
Not only that but I also need to use my video editing ideas to create a hybrid that is part Rock Band and part Musical Theater
I was trying to figure out the word that describes my concept and my friend Laura said “Revue” and that’s exactly what kind of show I want to build
There are plenty of strict interpretation tribute bands out there and I do realize that being solo is a novelty fo...

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50 drum vids down 50 bass vids to go

Well, 53 drum tracks for Live Ramones Karaoke but……
WHEW! That sure was an effort
About half of this set list or more was recorded by memory with only a click track
After that, I decided it would take too long to memorize the rest of them so I decided it was easier to play along with recorded tracks
My biggest issue is that most of the live stuff is too fast or too slow for my tastes so I adjusted the tempo of each song to the nearest BPM block setting
I prefer even numbers and tend to go by tens
I rarely even use a bpm ending in “5”, much less any number other than “0”
That might turn out to be a liability later on down the line but I am sure it will show itself to me eventually if it is a problem
After all, I can make mistakes in this series of recordings because I fully intend to re-re...

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1st round of drum vids went well

After the pre-production stage and dealing with the minutia that had to be addressed, it was time for the rubber to meet the road
One of my biggest flaws is that I get disheartened when I run into a problem with set up
One of my biggest strengths is in execution, so I was happy to get past all of the different tweaks and mistakes in lighting and audio and start playing the drums
I knew that I would knock out the first block of “hits” because I chose the songs that I regularly play with both Sedated and The Ramone
The drum recording process consists of me playing the parts by memory to a click track
Out of 30 songs attempted, 25 were successfully executed
53rd, Basement, Blitzkreig Bop, Beat on the Brat, Chainsaw, Chinese Rocks, Commando, Cretin Hop, Durango, Gimmie Gimmie Shock Treatment, ...

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