The Walking Dead S5E9 Reaction/Review “What Happned and What’s Going On”

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Getting ready for The Walking Dead to come back next week

I am really excited about next Sunday because that is when The Walking Dead returns from the mid season break
I started reviewing in the middle of season 4 but and am still developing my style
So, it’s back to demanding Mondays off so that I have adequate time to do my full analysis of Sunday night’s episode
From the moment I wake up until I pass out deep into Tuesday morning, I watch the show at least 2 more times, including watching it in my editing software whilst I cut out clips for the show
I do a quick mashup of the most memorable moment and then write, record and edit the review
It literally takes all day and by the time Monday night/Tuesday morning rolls around, my eyes start to lose focus and I can’t think clearly. Damn I love that feeling
All fo this effort is making me a better ...

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The Walking Dead Tag- Answering Los Lobos Negros

I have a few more videos and a few more days and then it’s back to reviewing The walking Dead

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The Walking Dead S5E5- AllWalkerKills Insane Mashup “Self Help”

The Youtube Copywrong bots have been kind to me lately
I cannot say the same for my editing software

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The Walking Dead S5E1- AllWalkerKills Insane Mashup “No Sanctuary”

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Z Nation S1E1 Review

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Z Nation Review pt 2- The Cast

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Walking Dead Fans, Should you watch Z Nation? pt 1*SPOILER FREE

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From The Drummer’s Perspective- Off Set Middle Pedal Review

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The Walking Dead Mid Season Tag Video Response Pt 3

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