Giant burst of creative energy

Saturday night was fun because I borrowed Trey’s lights and did a video shoot involving the Molecues in rm 14 (the drum riser room)
The room was going to be used the next day so I cleared the whole thing out
I thought I was going to have a busy Sunday but the ice storm took care of that
This meant that I had all day to set up the drum riser room to shoot some drum cover videos
The day was progressing well and it took a couple of hours to set up the mics, digital recorder and cameras
Then I decided to change the Bowling Ball kit for the Molecules
This added more time to my setup and I was curious to see how long my emotional energy would last
There’s not so much a physical fatigue issue but I get distracted or discouraged easily so I usually end up not finishing something
The Molecules wer...

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Trolling for confrontation can be a good thing

I would like to explain some of my motivations when I start instigating and stirring up what I see as debate but others sometimes see as confrontation
My current situation (incredibly sweet and lucky as it is) has it’s limitations
One of those is that I have not felt that I could adequately serve the studio and have a 2nd job
This was an attitude that I am in the process of changing
Part of it was because I was getting lucky and creating opportunities to make a little money here and there but I have to confess that part of it was that I was lazy
Making very little in actual money has caused me to deem outside travel as an un-neccesary expense and risk since my borrowed vehicle is all kinds of out of date and is a gas hog
This means that I only get to have 5 minute interactions with human bein...

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Rockula launches his new channel Rockula Retrospective with the Game Chasers DVD review

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The Evolution of the Rockula Drumset pt 2

Read The Evolution of the Rockula Drumset pt 1 here

Getting the 3 piece red sparkle kit  for christmas was just the beginning of my drum odyssey
My next acquisition was the Mattel Synsonics drum module
What I really wanted was a large drumkit but I thought I could use all the different sounds on the synsonics to expand my palate
The biggest problem was that the pads were set up for a right handed person so I struggled with trying to figure out how to use it for my own purposes
It wasn’t a total bust because I made my first forays into electronics by playing Kraftwerk songs on it

All of this changed when my father bought me A SECOND DRUMKIT!!!!!!!
It was blue sparkle and the exact same type of inexpensive Sears-type  drums
A traditional 5 piece co...

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The Evolution of the Rockula Drumset pt.2

Click on the pic to read the blog!

The Evolution of the Rockula Drumset pt 2

The Evolution of the Rockula Drumset pt 2

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The Evolution of the Rockula Drumset pt.1 (Christmas Edition)

Click on the pic to read the blog!

The Evolution of the Rockula Drum Set Pt 1 (Christmas edition)

The Evolution of the Rockula Drum Set Pt 1 (Christmas edition)

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UFOFU Retrospective

1993 was a great time in Deep Ellum because you could walk into a club and see a band like UFOFU
This was a time when alternative music was about to be splintered into a million sub fragments
The largest fragment being grunge
But for a while, there were bands like UFOFU who were exploring different types of alternative music
Most importantly, they were exploring progressive angles without sounding like pretentious Math Rock
I bought their tape and was started playing along with it on the drums
I went to lots of shows and became very familiar with the band
Joe Butcher was a smart ass that I could count on for some good verbal sparring (my favorite moment was the look on his face when I suggested he start a side project called “The Joe Butcher Axis”
Brandon and i talked alot about music in g...

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The Evolution of the Rockula Drum Set Pt 1 (Christmas edition)

It has been more than 30 years ago that I received my first “real” drumset for Christmas
This was my toy drumset up until then (you can’t see the cymbal or bass drum pedal)


This was a step up from normal toys because the heads were plastic instead of thick paper
Still, you had to show some restraint because it was still a toy
None of that restraint paid off when I came back one day to find that my parents had let Brett and Scott Anderson play my drums
I was horrified to find that  there were dents in the thin plastic heads and the bass drum pedal was broken!
What I needed was a REAL drumset

Fast forward to Christmas 1981 and I am a pre-teen boy that is transitioning from hardcore KISS fan to more sophisticated music like Rush
I guess my parents saw that I wasn’t giving up on the drums li...

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Rockula makes a fan video for the Game Chasers- “Robot Mix”

I have become a big fan of a Youtube video series called “The Game Chasers”
One of their favorite things to do is dance The Robot so I thought I’d make a compilation video set to the song “The Robots” by Kraftwerk

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The Old Me v.s. The New Me- Handling customer service

I just got off the phone with my internet provider after realizing they have been overcharging me for almost a year
This company has an overseas phone room and we all know how frustrating that can be
THE WAY I USED TO BE- I would to lose my cool and scream at the first person who didn’t give me what I wanted
This always resulted in me going for the nuclear option, cancelling whatever service/account and losing the money that I think they owe me
THE WAY I AM NOW- After working on the other side of the phones, I have observed the way that phone rooms operate and the tactics they use to make you give up instead of insisting on the customer service your money pays for

*HERE”S HOW TO DO IT -Above all, have your info straight and be able to reference it immediately
The first person to answer is ...

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