The Ramone tagged posts

The Ramones Hard to Find Bonus Tracks pt 5 (accidental prequel) – “Carbona Not Glue”

The Ramones “Hard to Find” bonus tracks pt 1 “Street Fighting Man”
The Ramones “Hard to Find” Bonus Tracks pt 2- Smash You
The Ramones Hard to Find Bonus Tracks pt 3 “Can’t Say Anything Nice”

The Ramones Hard to Find Bonus Tracks pt 4- “Go Home Ann”

Let’s take a break from the Beggar’s Banquet 12″ singles as a source of “Non Album” tracks that could be considered “Bonus Tracks” back in the days before everything was available online in some form or another
Let’s talk about a track that became rare by accident

The average non-obsessive Ramones fan in 1991 would have a hard time knowing what was going on at the 2:57 mark on track 17 of their new album “Loco Live”
It seems there is an untitled song tacked onto the end of the song “Pet Sematary” that talks about huffing
The song i...

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The Ramones Hard to Find Bonus Tracks pt 4- “Go Home Ann”

The Ramones “Hard to Find” bonus tracks pt 1 “Street Fighting Man”
The Ramones “Hard to Find” Bonus Tracks pt 2- Smash You
The Ramones Hard to Find Bonus Tracks pt 3 “Can’t Say Anything Nice”

In the previous installment, I covered how I had been buying the Beggar’s Banquet 12″ singles that the Ramones released in the UK.
I had started with the 12″ released after “Too Tough To Die”
I had enough money at the time to buy one of two 12″ singles that were released after the “Animal Boy” album
One contained the non album track “Can’t Say Anything Nice” and the other included “Go Home Ann”, whaich was on the single “Bonzo Goes To Bitburg”

I ended up buying the single with “Can’t” on it and never bothered to buy the one with “Ann” on it
I often wondered what that song sounded like

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The Ramones “Hard to Find” Bonus Tracks pt 2- “Smash You”


As I has stated in the lest installment, I bought a 12″ single from Bill’s records and Tapes at around the same time that I bought Too Tough To Die. I really liked the cover of Street Fighting Man but Smash You sounded like the songs I was writing (that sounded like the Ramones)
This song employs the technique of accentuating notes with crashes (think of the breakdown in Now I Wanna Be A Good Boy). I did that a lot in my new songwriting because it sounded cool. Of course, I over-used it but those songs don’t exist anymore, the tapes long since lost or recorded over.
This song was written by Richie but it adds to a list of songs where violence against women is covered...

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My response to the article “Why Road To Ruin is the best Ramones Album”

Here is the original article

There are several factors that the author did not take into consideration
#1- Marky is the new drummer and is light years ahead of Tommy in experience. Keep in mind that Tommy had only played drums for about 4 years. Add to that, he hasn’t had any time to develop any style other than what served the basic needs of The Ramones. Not only did Marky added a lot of dynamics but he gave the band a wider base to write upon.
#2- Johnny has relaxed a bit on his sparse arrangement conditions because they have enough of a back catalog to play headliner length sets. In addition, anything added to the album that could not translate live was basically stripped down to the basic live setup.

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The Ramones “Hard to Find” bonus tracks

As much as I hate Youtube from a content creator standpoint, I love it as an archive of stuff that I either didn’t know existed or didn’t have the money to buy in the 80’s
To me, “I want you around” from the Rock n’ Roll High School Soundtrack was a “bonus track” that I would put on my personal tapes and mixtapes I made for other people
My first Ramones album was Rocket to Russia but I immediately went out and bought “Too Tough To Die” after seeing them at the
Arcadia Theater
I am not sure if I bought them at the same time but I did buy a 12″ single with “Howling At The Moon”
There was a non album track that was a cover of The Rolling Stones’ “Street Fighting Man” which now became my new “Bonus Track”


I thought it was kind of a ripoff to put two album tracks on the record and only offer ...

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Allergies and Drum Parts

Allergies and Drum Parts

I am just going to have to deal with the fact that I cannot go out and perform as The Busking The Ramone until my allergies calm down. I have tried every type of allergy medicine available and none of it works enough for me to be able to stand out on the street and sing. I need to create something with all of this time so it is time to record drum parts.The current set is the “Hits”. There are roughly 30 songs that will work on the street and 20 of them have video parts recorded for projection. My biggest problem is that they are from different sessions and have distinctly different sounding mixes and volume levels. Since I can’t leave the studio for 5 minutes without sneezing violently, I will have to just stay inside and do a marathon session of drum parts...

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When Self Esteem affects Work Ethic

One of my biggest self esteem issues is that I think that I have a very lazy work ethic. It doesn’t take much to get me to walk away from a project or job when I find myself getting discouraged or distracted. Of course, I always seem to find plenty of energy for other people’s projects but that is because I am getting paid. My problem is trying to generate enthusiasm for a project that hasn’t made much of an impact over the last decade. I have made giant leaps and bounds in the technical evolution of my own music but I keep putting off booking Multiple Man for live shows. Conversely, I have poured hundreds of hours into the RAMONE because I knew that it would be a solid investment of time and emotional energy.
As it stands now, I have people who have never met me or even seen the Ram...

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the RAMONE- Bass tracks finished for new set
The first 12 tracks went like clockwork and I wish I didn’t have to stop but my fingers made the decision for me. The next day was supposed to be easier because I only had 4 tracks to go. That wasn’t the case because it took 5 hours to lay down those tracks because of the many distractions of people knocking on my door.
I synched the audio and video up with each other and thought it was going to be only slightly less cringeworthy as the previous session but they were much better than I expected.
I had to lay the tracks down with speakers instead of ear monitors because I stepped on them and crushed them during my last gig
They sounded a lot worse when I was recording them than they did when I listened back...

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Drum parts finished for the new set, on to bass parts

Drum tracks for the new set are now synched up with the video. I went through the set and the drum audio sounded really good through my PA. Thanks to Lynyrd for the recording and mixing.
It’s exactly what I needed. Bass parts are next!

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Bass tracking for new set list

Bass tracks for the upcoming new the RAMONE set list. Most are pretty standard but a couple are giving me minor issues
Then there’s this song.The Studio version of this song has a horn section and he’s playing the progression of the horns. I saw a live performance of the song on Old Grey Whistle test and he’s playing root notes only. I’m assuming the performance is just after the release of the album and he really wanted to learn that bass part. The audio is not real good but you can see that Dee Dee’s left hand is all over the place.
It’s a bitch for me to play it the way I see it played on stage and in the bass covers on YouTube but I think I found a more economical way to play the part near the nut (huh huh). It doesn’t have the low end rumble but I have to compensate for my bass skills

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