Saloon Playlist 1/17/2011
Little Wonder- David Bowie
Green Eyed Devil- Melt Banana
Clones (We’re All) -Alice Cooper
The Profits of Doom- Type O Negative
Reasons For Revenge- Voodoo Organist
The Majesty Of Rock- Spinal Tap
Clash City Rockers- The Clash
I Can’t Explain- The Who
Big Sky/Baddest of the Bad- Rev. Horton Heat
Nurture My Pig- Rev Horton Heat
Dr Rock- Motorhead
Stealing People’s Mail/Dear Abby- Dead Kennedys
Operator’s Manual- Buzzcocks
We Gotta Know- Cro Mags
Rockaway Beach-Ramones
Telstar- The Ventures
Uncontrollable Urge- Devo
Pay To Cum- The Bad Brains (Black Dots)
Hibernation-Ted Nugent
Bakababatka- Super Junky Monkey
Lord of the Hornets- Nik Turner Space Ritual
Too Fast for Love- Motley Crue
Fast Town- Mark Frydman
Keep On Knockin’- Little Richard
No Class- Motorhead
I had not played Dallas for quite a while and was eager to show my friends the new advances that I had made in the performance
I even brought the video projector to show off the new video that has been synched up to the music
Lots of my friends showed up and there were 20 or so people at the Phoenix Project
The set was the usual one except for the fact that I had taken out “American Zombie” due to the fact that it is way too convoluted to perform all by myself
Things were going well until I got to “RU High? ”
That’s when two things happened
1- I was cue-ing up the audio tracks when I noticed that they were not missing from the multi-track program (I must have moved them to a different folder)
2- The video projector went blank (not from being broken but from a connection problem)
I decided ...
I have been in a big Rush mood lately so I played them all night
The Camera Eye
By-Tor and the Snow Dog
Cygnus X1
Broon’s Bane/The Trees/Xanadu (live)
The Weapon
Something for Nothing
Bastille Day
Closer to the Heart
Vital Signs
New World Man
A Passage to Bangkok
Natural Science
After a few weeks rest from the Halloween season, I decided that the Combichrist afterparty would be a good time to come back
There was decent attendance and my playlist was all over the place
See if you can guess what songs Ether requested
Saloon Playlist 11/15/2010
Gnomes- Ed Hall
Halo Of Flies- Alice Cooper
Eve Of War- Jeff Wayne’s musical version of War of the Worlds
Buttobase! (all through the night) – Guitar Wolf (muic video)
Natural Science- Rush
Outshined- Soundgarden
Hang me Twice- Sirens of Titan
Free For All (Live from Hammersmith)-Ted Nugent
Over The Mountain- Ozzy Osbourne
B Boy Bouillabaisse- Beatie Boys
Loco El En Coco- Cypress Hill
Alle Gegen Alle- Laibach
Rammstein- Rammstein
Apple of Sodom- Marylin Manson
Ant Music- Adam Ant
The Information- Course Of Empire
Friend- Ugly ...
Many of you who have followed me since the Livejournal days know that I comment upon the coming and going of equipment in my life by speaking of “The Equipment Gods”
When the equipment Gods giveth, they are the ones who give you the deep discount on gear that you need and materialize that “diamond in the rough” on the rack just before you enter the pawn shop
They are also the ones who taketh away when your shit breaks down, gets stolen or falls out of the van because your dumbass guitar player was drunk and didn’t shut the door properly
Last night’s brush with the Equipent Gods came in the form of a video projector
I was messing around with some concepts and had just fired the projector up and the lamp was on for about 10 seconds
That’s when the power cable came out
I hung out with my friend who doubles as a therapist today and we discussed the fact that some people continue to hang out with me simply for the reason that they don’t like to do the talking
We all get told a million times that the art of good conversation is achieved by listeing instead of just waiting for someone to pause so that you can start talking
I obviously fall in the “talker” category and I have had much anxiety over the amount of wear and tear it has on my friends
But then I get reassured that this quality is a main reason why I have so many cool people surrounding me
Of course, I still need to be conscious of listening
Mostly because it is a free resource of material to digest and make your own
But I also have to allow myself the luxury of knowing that most people just don’t h...
The mic is broken on that camera and I had the digital up on the stairs where the sound and view are great
Then I left the footage for a while because I figured it would be good for a compilation/promo type situation
The main camera caught a decent audio track so I fiddled and EQ’ed it and re-applied it to the main vid cam shot
Just for the hell of it, I tried applying the audio to the 2nd camera to see how long it would synch before the video changed
What I didn’t know was that Ether had let the camera roll for the entire time
This meant that the new improved audio track synched up perfectly!
What I ended up with was a very good set of performances
Ether’s cam...
My therapist just told me that she has never met anyone like me
Should I find that troubling?
I assumed that there were tons of people like me but our thick outer shells made it hard to discern who was who
I am fighting the urge to let this statement re-enforce my egocentric view of the world
In an attempt to cushion the blow of alienation, I (like many alienated people) have been telling myself that my unique view of the world is what causes me to percieve reality so differently from so many
I need to vigilant so that I don’t allow myself to use it as an excuse to hold up in the apt. and not work
Herin lies my other conundrum
The constant tugging of the opposite forces of ego/confidence v.s. anxiety/self loathing causes me to question every decision I make
I have to aknowledge that most ...
So the general scuttlebutt around Juliete and Vermin’s party last night was that all of us Dj/bartender/security/performer/scenester people are exhausted from our “Halloweek”
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