
Man, did I get hit hard this year by the flu bug
A couple of weeks of allergy attacks had softened me up
Friday afternoon comes along and the muscle aches normally associated with endless sneezing start getting deeper
Just when I had gotten out of that phone room full of sick old people who sneezed in their hands and then refused to use hand sanitizer (“I can’t stand the smell” they say when I hand them the pump) and I thought I had gotten away free
That’s when I knew it caught up with me
So, I instantly grabbed some OJ and some Emergen-C packets and tried to beat it as it was happening
Well, I didn’t do enough
I had plans to go out to Station 4 to videotape OBCT and Uzza but by mid afternoon, I had started to feel the full onslaught
I cancelled going out and dug in

Normally, I wouldn’t wr...

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The concept of confrontational art is made up entirely of gray areas
The central concept of confrontational art is the intention to force people to look at something they would rather not because it would infringe on the comfortable bubble they have built around themselves
Some artists have become accidental confrontational artists simply because what they had to say was so incredibly different from “normal” society
Normally, those thought could be written off as the reactions of an outsider or crazy person
It is only when those ideas are produced by someone who articulates things in an original and different way that they achieve lasting importance
Literature, science and philosophy were the offenders in the pre-modern world with peopleliterally getting killed for their ideas
It wasn’t un...

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labeling, transferring, deleting

Now that the gig is over and I am not actively editing a Theater episode, I am looking at all of the files on my computer, labeling them and sending them to the terabyte drive.
Making lots of room on the laptop hard dive for new adventures
Listening to Superjunkymonkey

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PPF gig recap 8-27-2010 (GZ)

As most of you know, the gig I set up at Ground Zero was pretty much the most important gig of my life leading up to now
I had always wanted to play a large stage with a large video projector and I got my wish

I had done months of prep for the show
I had to re-edit the music when I had a guitarist lined up for the show and he didn’t work out, then I changed things a bit at the last minute becuase of technical issues
The prep was good for most but there were things I forgot to change at the last minute
This resuled in some missteps that were noticed only by me
Not only did I have my show planned out but the entire evening as well

I got though most of the set pretty well except for a few blunders
-My guitar was out of tune for HK Action
-I had panned some tracks for Chaka Chaka the wrong way...

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configuration 8-27 2010

Just thought I’d make a quick detail of the configuration I will be using for the GZ gig on Fri 27th

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if my therapist says so then it must be true

Went to the threapist yesterday and spent the entire time going over the advancements I made lately
First of all, I wanted to make sure that she knew that I wanted brutal honesty from her and told her I needed feedback way more than coddling or assurance
After hearing all about the advances I have made in my personal as well as buisness and artistic life, she assured me that I am allowed to feel a huge sense of accomplishment
She told me that it is rare for someone to be so aggressive about solving their problems and that I should be proud of my hard work
Even more, I was not allowed to tsabotage those positive advancements with the paranoia that it will all be taken away from me at a moment’s notice

What have I noticed about my failings from this angle?
It is all on the back end
I can sit...

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acceptable setback

I thought I might have PyroPlasticFlow T-shirts for the gig but that will not happen
That’s OK
It was a last minute thing anyways
I still plan on making them for later

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point of reflection

I am coming up on a point where I will need to sit back for a moment and reflect on the recent events in my life
Even better, I am going to see my therapist today to give her a list of all the things I have accomplished since I started seeing her

Once the gig is over, I need to look at what’s next in my life
My whole existance has been consumed by this gig and, although I have managed to keep on ahead of bill like rent and insurance etc… I have not made any other solid plans for my life
Not only that, but I will be searching for a new job now that the campaign at Orchestra hall is over
The new company is very likely to pick me up but I have to be ready for the eventuality that they may not

This will be a very important and positive point in my life where I have the luxury of pausing and di...

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anxiety descending

This whole time leading up to the GZ performance on Friday has been very exciting
My way of coping with the negative anxiety was to work as much as I could on every detail of the performance
Although I have redundancy-ed the crap out of the show, I still have recurring anxieties about potential monkey wrenches
The first one is my computer

My Zune player just malfunctioned and I have surmised that it is the hard drive
I bought both the Zune and the laptop at the same time so…. 2+2=????
Having seen tons of bands and filmmakers tear their hair out while the audience waits for their computer to re-boot, I am plenty scared that this is going to happen to me

The other thing that scares me is that I will get confused and forget something in my programming
There are several moments when I am using...

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the final run-through

Went to Marko’s today and set up the whole performance
I had everything mapped out and in the right order
The volume spiking problem was fixed and I had every video just the right length
My physical chops are not so great but that is ok because I will have penty of warming up excercises between now and then
I was able to make it through the set twice
Even though I have simplified things, there are still a ton of things to keep straight
Luckily, my set is so chaotic and freeform that no one will notice too much
I begrudgingly have to use 5A sticks because the others are just too heavy right now
I don’t like the tiny bead of a 5A and miss the big marble nylon tip of my 3As
These sticks will work out just fine because I am not playing a lot of intricate stuff on the ride
The Quick Beat hi hat...

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