Controllin’ the Shinin’

I don’t believe in Extra Sensory Perception in the terms that most people do
The ability to see into the future, read people’s minds etc…. is not really credible with me
But the thing I do believe in is a hightened perception
There are people with a gift for observation that can use their gift to succeed at politics and business as well as artistic and literary success
Hell, most guys that can pick up a girl in a bar have it
It is the ability to percieve the details of a certain thing, be it visual, aural or intellectual and exploit it

Myperception is what makes me uniqe and allows me to make such unique art
Unfortunately, it is also what fuels my anxiety and keeps me from succeeding
The ability to pick apart a subject into fragments can be a bad thing as well when it comes to your fears

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Slimming down

Just posted a vid of the new concept I have for a drumkit
This lighter concept will allow me to tour more freely in a smaller vehicle

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I see you up there

I was watching WWE Raw on Youtube last night at about 1:30 am when I heard yelling outside
I figured it was just our neighbors breaking up again like they seem to do every other week but this was not the case
There was a flashlight and a dog barking and very angry words
That’s when I realized that the cops were arresting someone
I decided not to poke my head out the windo wand watch
Especially when the cop car on the street flashed his search light right into my window

It was over in less than 5 minutes and the guy along with all but one cop car was gone
I looked out the window again and he hit me with the spotlight again
I felt intimidated

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Saloon playlist 6 14 2010

The Sore Losers-Jack Taylor Experience

Invader Ace- guitar Wolf

Hoodlum AD- Mick Collins

Cretin Hop, Rockaway beach, Sheena is a Punk Rocker-Ramones

Jet Generation, All though the night (buttobase)- Guitar Wolf

Too fast For Love- Motley Crue

Uncontrollable Urge- Devo

KISS- Acrobat

Son and Daughter- Queen

Rusty Cage- Soundgarden

Lookin’ for a Handout- Hash Palace

Rock N Roll is Straight from Hell- Unknown Hinson

We’re Desperate- X

Car Crash- The Voodo Organist

No Fun- The Stooges

I Got My Ascot n’ My Dickie, Little Lord Fauntleroy- Upper Crust

Saloon- Lolita 18

Pachuco Cadaver, When Big Joan Sets Up- Captain beefheart

Oh No That’s Too Bad, My Shadow in Vain,Basic J- Gary Numan

More Trouble Every Day- Frank Zappa and the Mothers Of Invention

Beat On The Brat,, 53rd and 3rd Surfin’ Bird- Ramo...

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no busking today

It is supposed to be raining on and off today so I can’t go play outiside
This wouldn’t happen if I was some hippie with a hand drum!!

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getting ready for busking tomorrow

I re-engineered the electronic kit by adding a longer rack tube and re-positioning the bass drum pad so it does not move
I also decided to use the spikes as crash/chyna and moved the SPDS around a little bit to compensate for the pad that triggers poorly
The kit proved to be very compact with out the acoustic snare, so I added it too
I did not use a backpack last time , so I may be able to make room by putting small objects on my back
There also needs to be a re-thinking of the way I tie the speaker to the rack
It was all falling off every 30 seconds and irritating the shit out of me

I have loaded some noise stuff onto the Zune and plan to use it during the performance tomorrow
Hopefully it will not rain
There is a concert on Peavey Plaza and hopefully, I can get as close as possible to ...

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HOORAY for socialism!

After 25 years of not going to the doctor, I have gotten myself on the state run MinnesotaCare health program
Having spent most of my adulthood as a broke ass musician in Texas, it has been very hard to get health insurance
You usually need a full time job and even then, the insurance was so expensive that it was intimidating
This pretty much put a fiscal barrier between me and healthcare that turned into an emotional one as well
I was so intimidated by the complexity of the system, the high cost each month and the huge deductables that I just convinced myself that I would have to live without insurance

After all, I was going to die young anyways right?

Credit Laura for building a fire under my ass
She sat on the phone with me while I filled out the applications and didn’t let me give up...

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DJing at the Saloon tonight

Come out and hang with me in the back room while I try to figure out what to play

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Busking on nicollet Mall

Here is a video of my firdt attempt at busking on Nicollet Mall
I had a good time and worked out some bugs

Hopefully, it will be nice next weekend and i will be able to do it again

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busking today on Nicollet Mall

Skies are sunny and I am heading out to Nicollet Mall for my first attempt at busking

Come out and see me! (if i don’t get told to leave by the cops)

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