The Ramone tagged posts

The Ramone phase 2- Lessons applied & a new setlist

I have had time to focus on a few other projects while I digested the information I learned from my first gig as The Ramone and now that I am back at it, I am going to start from scratch
First of all, I was able to figure out my problems with the video sampler. It turns out that there are more than one kind of .wmv and I converted the files into the wrong format
Big sigh of relief that my very expensive video sampler isn’t on the fritz

I am pursuing more gigs and still have the original set to perform while I manufacture a new one
Meatpie and I were talking about the show and I told him about my new set list selections
He said that he was glad to hear that because he only recognized a few songs from my set
The first set is more of a conceptual performance because it is the first album all ...

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THE RAMONE’s First gig

I came up with the idea of THE RAMONE basically out of necessity and a lot of resentment towards other musicians as well as the music loving public
It started as a joke, saying to myself, “What’s the most arrogant thing I can do as a musician to tell people I am sick of waiting on everyone to catch up?”
It was a way to say “Fuck all of you musicians don’t want to be in my band or have me in your band, so I will just create one myself”
My outlook has changed considerably since then but the basic idea stuck in my head
The next step was to figure out the “easiest” way to start the ball rolling
Since I started playing guitar and bass by listening to The Ramones, then I would create my own tribute band by myself
It took me about 4 months to get to my first show and here is the s...

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1 month until the first gig of The Ramone. I am tightening up the set and rehearsing. I have been developing this concept for a while and it is gratifying to watch the pieces function relatively well with each other. I want to explain the concept of The Ramone for a bit. I have been influenced by The Ramones on a great many different levels. I liked KIss up until then and The Ramones had the same power and group identity but with a minimalist approach. I learned how to play guitar by playing with their records and it gave me the confidence to become more than just a drumer. Here is my first Ramones song .I recorded it onto a crappy tape from the Dr Demento show and wore it out

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