Drum Cover tagged posts

Drum Cover- “Red Hot” by Motley Crue

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Drum Cover- “Overkill” by Motorhead

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Drum Cover Poll # 12 winner “Human Fly” by the Cramps

Rockula does a drum cover of “Human Fly” by The Cramps for his Patreon Supporters You can suggest and vote on what song I cover next patreon.com/rockulaproductions

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The winner of Drum Cover Poll # 11 is “Shattered” by the Rolling Stones

Rockula does a drum cover of “Shattered” by The Rolling Stones for his Patreon Supporters You can suggest and vote on what song I cover next patreon.com/rockulaproductions

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The winner of Drum Cover Poll #10 is “Thieves” by Ministry

Rockula does a drum cover for his Patreon Supporters You can suggest and vote on what song I cover next patreon.com/rockulaproductions

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The winner of Drum Poll # 9 is “Walk Don’t Run 64” by The Ventures

The winner of Drum Cover Poll # 9 is “Walk, Don’t Run ’64” You can suggest and vote on songs for me to cover when you support me on Patreon

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Drum Cover Poll #8 Winner is “Suspicious Minds” by Elvis Presley

Click on the link to watch the video!


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The winner of Drum Cover Poll #7 is “Generation Landslide” by Alice Cooper

Rockula does a drum cover of “Generation Landslide ’81 (live) for his Patreon supporters
You can suggest and vote on which song I will cover next when you support me on Patreon

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Drum Cover Poll Winner #6 is “I Fought The Law” by The Clash

You can suggest a song for me to cover on the drums and vote for the next song on the monthly Drum Cover Poll when you support me on Patreon

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Drum Cover Poll #5 Winner “A Little Respect” by Erasure

I ask my Patreon Supporters to suggest songs for me to cover on the drums and then they vote on which song I cover next
This helps me step outside of my normal comfort zone and play music that I normally don’t consider
I had never heard this song before I covered it so you are seeing a 2 week learning curve and performance

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