I am adapting the previous PyroPlasticFlow material to a new approach and adding what amount to “cover” songs. Here is my first attempt at nailing down a concrete version of Ronald McDonald Insanity.
I have become obsessed with this video because it reflects a lot of the ways that ideas come in rhythmic fragments rather than complete thoughts. As scary as this may sound, this video speaks to me
Video Drum Cover tagged posts
Who would have thought that sustaining a deep muscle bruise and tearing several tendons would be the best thing that could have happened to me?
As many of you know, I was taking care of Tino (a parrot) during the December ice strorm
I injured myself when he flew down the hall and I chased after him
I tripped and knocked myself out for a few moments as well as falling on my shoulder and pinning my arm behind my back
This caused a great deal of stress and anxiety in my life because I consider myself to be primarily a drummer
It would take months for me to heal and I had to really limit the amount of time I played the drums
Many people advised me that it is easy to damage what takes weeks to repair so I had to completely change my drumming style
Luckily, GIRL is not a band that requires me to...
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