The Busking The Ramone tagged posts

The Ramone- Shinjuku Busking Fail

The Ramone- A One Man Tribute Band busks in Kabukicho, Shinjuku, Tokyo Japan It was raining and I set up in front of a shop with an extended roof. A friendly Police officer told me I was on private property but showed me a spot about 100 yards away that was public.

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Busking in Kabukicho, Solo Musician In Japan, The Ramone- A One Man Tribute Band

The Ramone- A One Man Tribute Band busks on the street in Kabukicho District, Shinjuku City, Tokyo, Japan on Sunday, Sept 24th 2023

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The Ramone- Sore Fingertips and a Sunburned Face

I have not done a “gig recap” in a while because they are pretty much all the same at this point
Not that they aren’t different in their own way, it’s just that I have gotten to the point where there enough gigs for things to settle into a pattern
This was a night that was very good for me because it threw some curve balls at me

I took a last minute gig this past Saturday
It was a battle of the bands to determine who plays the Remember the Punks festival in San Antonio
I was told I was going on first (which is where I always am) but that gives me plenty of time to set things up perfectly
After getting half set up, I was told that a band was added and that they were going on before me
This made me reconsider my live setup and how complicated I have made it

I have a headphone mic cable, a gu...

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