Gig Recap 12/23/2010

I had not played Dallas for quite a while and was eager to show my friends the new advances that I had made in the performance
I even brought the video projector to show off the new video that has been synched up to the music
Lots of my friends showed up and there were 20 or so people at the Phoenix Project

The set was the usual one except for the fact that I had taken out “American Zombie” due to the fact that it is way too convoluted to perform all by myself
Things were going well until I got to “RU High? ”
That’s when two things happened
1- I was cue-ing up the audio tracks when I noticed that they were not missing from the multi-track program (I must have moved them to a different folder)
2- The video projector went blank (not from being broken but from a connection problem)
I decided to just keep going and cut the performance a bit short
The whole set was about 25 minutes

The next thing that went wrong is that I believe I have a short in the output jack of my computer, because The backing drum tracks for “A-Ha!” and “HK Action” were not coming out of the PA
The mistakes and problems still bugged me but I was glad that I didn’t get too bent out of shape about it
I decided to go accept everyone’s positive comments about the show and enjoy the rest of the night

Thanks a ton to AAron Gonzalez who set up the gig and all the friends that came out to support me
Now that I have a decent touring vehicle, I am looking forward to coming down to Dallas again

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