Video Gig Recap 8/20/11 Fallout Lounge

Last night’s video mixing gig at The Fallout Lounge went very well
I had an initial discussion with the event’s organizer, Desirae and she was a bit concerned that her theme was too specific
I chuckled to myself because this person had no knowledge of my super movie geek powers
She wanted to do films that referenced the 50’s and early 60’s but were produced later on
The films that immediately popped into my head were The Outsiders, Rumble Fish, Hairspray and of course, Grease
Then there was one of my favorites, The Wanderers
She also suggested another lesser known John Waters film Cry Baby (well, I knew less of it)
I also liked Parents and Fido but wanted to stick closer to the films she knew
The answer was to use the trailers of films that wouldn’t make the “condense’ list

None of the main films were in my posession so I had to rip my material off youtube
The Outsiders and The Wanderers had full versions on youtube and I pieced together scenes for the rest of the films
Cry Baby was the new surprise for me
It was very colorful, had interesting looking characters and lots of cartoony action

I expected to set up my screen and projector and use intermission footage as a loop on the DVD player/projector from the venue
Things changed when I got there and the floor configuration was changed
Since the fallout is rather small, I was not able to use the screen
After scoping out several angles and combinations, I suddenly found that I could project into one of the booths by the front door
Since the door came in a bit, there was a cube effect with the booth at the front window
I just drew the curtain, which happened to have a white liner, and it served as a screen
The result was a “video immersion booth” where you could sit inside the video
The intermission footage worked really well for that application
I also was pleasantly surprised to find a VGA connector on the house projector (I had been told there was none)

I got some immediate feed back that night that was positive but I am waiting for Desirae to give me her take on it
She noted that there were lots of comments on my vids so I am interested in hearing about it

All in all, things worked out very well
The material went off seamlessly thanks to all the condensing and preparation
I turned a last minute restriction into one of the cooler accidents that has happened so far (the video immersion booth)
People had a good time and so did I
I just wish I had remembered to take video fo the room
I brought my vid cam and let dasirae run around with it for a while
But, I was too busy mixing and forgot to get documentation of the room
The venue seemed pleased too so this may not be the last time I do something there

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