The Rockula! update

The last few months have been developing very quickly for me and I have to make sure I take stock of things so that I can capitalize on my accomplishments as well as learn from my setbacks

The biggest news of all is that I have gotten medial insurance through the state of Minneasota
This has allowed me to see a dentist, a doctor and a therapist
All for $29 a month (plus $6 for certain visits)
This has relieved a deep seeded anxiety regarding my physical and mental health
A huge amount of built up pressure is streaming out of me
Especially important are the therapy sessions which are teaching me how to fix my own problems
This has resulted in an increased amount of self confidence, which, in turn, results in a huge boost in my drive

My job at orchestra hall almost made me want to quit becau...

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I tried

Watching the Daily Show and Arcade Fire is performning
Immediately, I thought to myself “Judging by the people I have seen that listen to Arcade Fire, they will be some lame ass indie band that’s nothing more than backwards haircuts over un-inspired crappy pop music”
I can’t remember ever listening to them so I gave them a try
After all, my new efforts at opening my mind to new things has resulted in some very positive attitudes that have helped me get over my bitter resentment towards most people and their shitty tastes

Well turns out
I was right
They are a lame ass indie band just like 90% of the rest of them
Their biggest sin is to have 2 drummers that play the exact same thing

There’s a reason why I lump people into groups
Most of the time, they prove me right

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How my shitty job made me a better person

I have been working in the phone center of Orchestra Hall for almost a year now in the fundraising/marketing department
Of course, I wanted to work in the box office and deal with customers who call me up and tell me what they want
Instead, I got a job calling people and trying to convince them they wanted something

Jobs are scarce, I said fuck it and repealed my “no outcall” rule
I have worked in answering services, ticketmaster, and a million food service places taking orders on the phone
The one thing that was OK with that was that I didn’t have to make any effort other than to deal with the customer and do my job
Of course, I developed lots of skills, most imortantly, the ability to control a call and lead the person towards the most efficient resolution
In other words, getting them to...

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deleting my issues one fragment at a time

The douche has not barrage texted me in about a week and I think he might be done
I did not erase any of them and the total so far is 248
I did keep them but it filled my phone up so much that I was having to delete my sent and recieved texts as they happened

I had held onto those texts because I was still making up my mind if I wanted to pursue it further
After several interactions with the suspect douche (once again, he neither denied or confirmed so I can’t say for sure) I am convinced that it would be futile to try to report it
not only would it be incredibly difficult to prove, it is also something that hurts my actual life very little
Of course there’s the whole “I can’t let some douche get away with offending me” but I was fortunate to be able to assess that it is my ego that is hol...

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rockula observation #23

The issue of the whole “making lists” technique of self improvement boils down to one point
You use the list to separate your job from your time off
The mechanical shit you have to do to keep life moving is your job
It’s not just going to work and getting paid, but your job is also to pay your bills, scheduling Dr’s appointments, making sure your oil gets changed etc…

Your “time off” can be leisure or it can be work
I personally had a fucking blast making my TV show
It was a ton of work but it was the process as much as the praise at the result that mattered
PyroplasticFlow has become a very quickly accelerating situation artistically and is taking a ton of concentration
However, this is all stuff I would glady do
Most important of all, I have learned the value of working for the sake of m...

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day after insomnia

look at the notepad
I worked out a bunch of shit last night and didn’t get to sleep until 5:30
Now it is shit I don’t have to worry about today
Getting my ducks in a row
Adjusting to new parameters
Muad ‘Dib says “I will bend like a reed in the wind”
Then he killed Sting
I don’t think I can shoot as high as Sting’s level right now but this is abolutely the most important time of my entire life
It is nice to be excited/scared rahter than anxiety/scared

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Thank you mother nature for the light show on the bike ride home from work
I didn’t even mind getting drenched

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GZ gig shaping up

As the GZ gig gets closer and closer, I am starting to see the good parts of my work ethic take over
Please allow me this rare self congratulatory moment but I must lay this stuff out and accept my accomplishments as much as I beat myself up for my failings

-I have handed out over 1000 flyers for this show (a vast majority of them whilst looking them in the eye)
Traditional music business math states that 10% of the people you flyer will show up
100 people?
Fuck yeah
I’ll take that for my first show at a major venue (major to me that is)

-I have gotten over several self imposed restrictions regarding my “musicianship” and have started concentrating on my growing strength as a visual artist
This has lead me to develop a much more streamlined set that is more predictable for me
The positive ...

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saloon playlist 8/9/2010

I had a great time last night and it seems that pretty much everybody likes The Cars
I took a lot of requests and played some songs that I wouldn’t have chosen but I had a whole night to play with so it was cool
I just got a new projector so I need to start thinking about how to encorporate music video into the set


Hello Again, Shake it up,Just What I Needed- The Cars

Whip It, Workin’ In a Coal Mine- Devo

I Hate Rock n Roll- Spiral Chicken

Eareache My Eye- Cheech and Chong

Shoo Be Doo, Moving in Stereo, Touch and Go- The Cars

Natural Science- Rush

Bakabatka- Superjunkymonkey

Psycho Therapy, we’re A Happy Family- Ramones

Let the Good Times Roll, Panorama, Since You’re Gone- The Cars

The dream Police- Cheap Trick

Jimmy James- The Beastie Boys

Sum Dum Munkey- Fu Schn...

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this is how social services discourages people to succeed

I have one simple question to ask Minnesota care and it took me 4 hours to find out that no one cares to answer my question
I just bought a car with a $3000 loan from my father
He has graciously allowed me to pay it off over 2 1/2 years
I’d like to expedite the procedure with a 2nd job
However, it is not worth making too much money and losing Minnesota care

The decision?
Take longer to pay off the loan and keep my insurance
Pay off the loan ASAP and risk making too much money and losing my health insurance

Not only does the culture of social services discourage self improvement, it also places such frustrating hurdles in front of you that it doesn’t surprise me that even the people who do qualify, don’t take advantage of the services our STATE TAXES PROVIDE FOR

Yep, the statement that l...

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