PPF Gig Review 2/24/2010- Club Ug (plus some personal music philosophy)

Last night’s gig at Club Underground was a total fiasco but a valuable lesson nonetheless
First the gory details
I had set up on the drum riser and then pulled down the video screen to hide the clutter
I was pretty cavalier about it and set up just the skeleton of my configuration (no wiring of the electronics)
My last few gigs have made me a bit cocky because the newer setup was less complicated Once it came time to set up, I had noticed that changeover was taking a bit of time and Ether came up and hinted at it by asking if he could help
After getting set up, the video projector wasn’t cooperating so I just panicked and did the set without it
My anxiety got the best of me as I resolved to stick to the basics, do a short set and get off stage
The result was a less than stellar show in my opinion
But people liked it nonetheless

Which brings me to the “valuable lesson” part
-It wasn’t that I should have not taken the gig so lightly (which I admit, I did)
-It wasn’t that I had not rehearsed the material enough
-It wasn’t all of the hard ass, self critical stances I have taken with myself

It was what didn’t happen
And that is that I didn’t beat myself up all night and ruin any sense of enjoyment for myself
Because you can’t justify spending all of that effort in experiencing the good parts without the ability to survive the bad parts

Relocating back to Dallas is going to be a huge opportunity for me to diversify what I do and what makes me happy

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